Rothwell Victoria Junior School

  1. About Us
  2. Classes
  3. Green Class

Green Class

Green Class is a year 4 class taught by Miss Spence and supported by Mrs Johnston



In this half term, up until Christmas, we will be studying the topic of invaders. We will focus on the Romans and then transition into the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. As our hook, we will be visited by a Roman soldier and we will explore who they are and the importance they have had on our life today.


Google Classroom


Password: Roth1234





Learning goals:



 This is Ollie the octopus. He is the Green Class mascot, and his tentacles represent our Learning Goals! Members of Green Class need to do the Learning Goals to get a sticker! After they have collected three stickers, their name will be put into the Good Learners box ready for the celebration assembly!

Our learning goals are...

  • Communication
  • Cooperation
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance
  • Enquiry
  • Pride
  • Respect
  • Reflection
  • Organisation 

This terms learning:

In this half term, we will be focusing on the Romans.


See our newsletter for more information about all elements of the curriculum we will be covering this half term:




Weekly Routine:

We have 2 sessions of PE a week, our first session is on a Monday, where it is an outdoor lesson for a games. In addition to this, on a Friday, we will have our indoor session focusing on Real Gym.

Homework is set each week on Mathletics (for the maths homework) and English will be set on Google Classroom. 

Each pupil will have a  spelling list consisting of up to 10 words to learn for the following week, throughout the following week each pupil will get tested then receive a new list to be tested the following week. These will also be posted on Google Classroom.

 Reading books and planners should be signed by adults and presented on Mondays and Thursdays. Children will have access to reading books within the classroom.


Learn by Hearts: Each week, on a Friday, the children will look at maths facts to learn. We will then test these facts in class the following week. The children will then continue to learn these facts for an additional week- hopefully bettering their score from the previous week. At the end of the 2nd week, the children will have new facts to learn