Rothwell Victoria Junior School

  1. About Us
  2. Classes
  3. Red Class


Google Classroom class code: 

Remember Red Class, your email address is

Your email address is the same as your Google Classroom Login


Will be set online through Google Classroom and will run Friday to Friday. It will consist of English and Maths (which will be set by the maths group teacher) where details of each task will be on Google Classroom 

Please ensure that your child is reading at home too. 

Red Class are currently reading the Jamie Drake Equation and Flood. 

    Welcome to our class page!

Red Class


Red Class are a Year 6 class taught by Miss Aveyard and Mr Broadbent and supported by Mrs Ellis 

If you have an enquiry or need to let us know anything please get in touch with us - email address below. 




In Maths we are working on Fractions 


In English we have been writing Explanation texts around how a Volcano erupts and a Narrative called Eye of the Storm, where a lonely pilot of an airship get caught in a torrid storm. 


Our topic is ACTIVE PLANET 


The following PE times should be noted:

Wednesday PM - Miss Aveyard

Friday PM - Mr Broadbent 

Please ensure that your child comes to school on these days in their PE kit and trainers. PE will be outside for the first half term.