Rothwell Victoria Junior School

  1. About Us
  2. Classes
  3. Yellow Class

Yellow Class

Welcome to Yellow Class's page! In Yellow Class, there is our class teacher, Miss Houlden, our HLTA, Mrs Gilroy and our TAs, Miss Begum and Mrs Ellis. We have 25 children in our class and they are a mix of year 3 and 4. 


Our email address is


To access google classrooms, please use the link below. Your child just needs to sign in using their email login.


The class code is: 


The children can access their emails through Microsoft Office 365. Their email is


Our class governor is Sarah Burdall.


Take a look at our half termly newsletter here.


If you were unable to attend our 'Meet The Teacher' meeting, please find the slides here.




Spelling are available on google classroom. If you require a paper copy, please inform school.



Weekly Routines


Yellow class have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. On these days, children should attend school in their PE kits. Swimming is on Wednesday afternoons for the Year 4 children. Boys should come with their trunks underneath their school uniform and girls will change at school.

Homework is given each Friday and X table tests are done every day of the week in their times tables books.


Children will be tested on their spellings on a Friday and given new spellings for the next week. 

Reading books and planners should be signed by adults and presented on Mondays and Thursdays. 

Maths homework - This is set on Google Classroom every Friday to be completed on the following Friday.

English homework - This is set on Google Classroom every Friday to be completed on the following Friday.


This week's Learn By Hearts:

Learn by hearts are available on google classrooms. If you require a paper copy, please let school know. 

Please note, that Learn By Heart facts are now tested on a Wednesday and changed every other week.



Our topic this term is ...

Food, Glorious Food!

This links to our DT work, science nutrition work as well as our English and Computing studies.


The children will be writing a story about how the digestive system works. We will also be developing their advertising skills to help sell their meal ideas.


This half term will be focusing on fractions, multiplication and division skills. This will differ depending on which maths group your child is in.


In science, we will be focusing on the human  body and how this compares to the bodies of animals. The start this off, the children will be taking part in a mini-beast VR experience.


DT: .

In D.T, the children will be designing and making their own healthy meal. This will be the basis for their advert work in Computing, English and to support with their nutrition work in Science.


In Music we will be using the song ‘Three Little Birds’ to help us learn about Reggae. The children will be using this to help them with composing their own piece of music.


In French, the Year 4s will be trialling a new French scheme which focuses on phonics, vocabulary and grammar.


The children will learning about physical health and wellbeing. For Year 4, this will include their RSE work (see previous letter).


During our computing sessions, the children will be designing packaging for their designed meal and using Imovie to make an advert.

Religion and World Views: 

In RE, the Year 4 children will be looking at what faiths are shared in our community. 

Useful Websites:

 Place value maths games:



Times tables: 

Children can use TTRockstars to get extra help with learning their times tables. They can battle each other and set personal challenges in order to recall their times tables faster.

Every week we focus on a times table and the children will get the chance to battle for TT Champion.

The children also have a times table book in school to help them practise these skills.

Google Interland Game about online safety: